Associated Partners

Association pour les patients insuffisants cardiaques (ASPIC) is a French regional association active in the field of heart failure. It belongs to the national alliance of the heart (Alliance du Coeur): the French union of federations and cardiovascular disease associations. Among others, ASPIC works actively in prevention of cardiovascular diseases; gives moral support to patients and their loved ones, listening and connecting with other people with heart failure and share the disease, its consequences and limitations for a better understanding. In the framework of CARDIOPATCH, ASPIC will be the one who provides us with the perspective of the beneficiaries of the project during the development of the project activities. ASPIC will be part of the External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of other associated partners. They will attend consortium meetings. Likewise, they support in the communication activities of the project (GTT2), especially focused on France and will help to correctly focus the development of the fundraising campaign and the mini videos of dissemination on our advances to the general public. Together with Gicor (Spanish associate partner), they will form a tandem perfect to bring our activities and results closer to society.
Associació Gironina de Prevenció I Ajuda a les Malalties del Cor (GICOR) is a non-for-profit Catalan regional association whose objectives are, among others: a) promotion and dissemination of the prevention and control of diseases of the circulatory system; b) help to control the main risk factors; c) raise awareness about the need to create heart-healthy habits; d) promote self-esteem after heart disease; e) perform activities to improve the quality of life; f) finance research projects in diseases cardiovascular diseases and collaborate with the Catalan Health Department in health planning. In the framework of CARDIOPATCH, Gicor will provide us, like ASPIC (French associate partner), the vision of the final beneficiaries of the project during the development of our activities. Gicor will be part of the project's External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of the other associated partners. They will attend consortium meetings. Likewise, they will support the communication activities of the project (TWP2), especially facilitating the dissemination activity in Spain and will help to correctly focus the development of the fundraising campaign and the mini videos to disseminate our progress to the general public. Together with ASPIC, it will form a perfect tandem to bring our activities and results closer to society.
The GIPSO Cluster of Health Industries of New Aquitaine is composed by a network of about one hundred companies related to health and pharmacy sector: start-ups, pharmaceutical development companies, international industry groups and consultants operating in the fields of medicines, veterinary, medical devices and biotechnology. GIPSO will be part of the Project's External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of all associated partners. Gipso will attend consortium meetings. Likewise, they will provide support in the development of GT3 activities, especially in the mapping of French entities of the health sector and in the development of regional missions in France to strengthen ties and synergies between agents in the health and 3D printing sectors. Also they will help to link us with entities of the same name in the Occitaine and Auvergne regions.
The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery of the Hospital de Santa Marta belonging to the Center Hospitalar Lisboa Central (CCT- CHULC) is one of the two main centers of reference in Portugal specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cardiac surgery for adults and congenital heart diseases. In the field of heart disease ischemic, CCT-CHULC has extensive experience in the full spectrum of therapeutic options from revascularization surgery to the most advanced forms of treatment of heart failure. CCT- CHULC is affiliated with Nova Medical School at the Universidade Nova de Lisbon, with teaching and research activities. Within the framework of the project, CCT-CHULC will support the development of our activities by providing scientific feedback on the three products that make up the CARDIOPATCH therapy model. In this sense, CCT-CHULC will be part of the project's External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of all associated partners. They will attend meetings of the consortium and will help us to disseminate CARDIOPATCH activities at the national and regional level (Lisbon area).
The Nueva Aquitania-Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion (NAEN EGTC) promotes the cooperation between the three regions for the start-up and implementation of strategic cooperation projects co-financed by the European Union, the exchange of knowledge and the development of specific actions with which improve their level of coordination and territorial development. In 2018, the EGTC approved the reference CARDIOREG project NAEN 2018 (Nº2019 / 3) led by FIMA and formed among other partners by VISCOFAN and GUK. Thanks to this project, we have been able to test the efficacy and safety of the original patch (version 1.0). The expertise and vision in the development of projects of the NAEN EGTC will be very valuable for CARDIOPATCH’s members. NAEN EGTC will lead the External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of all associate partners. They attend meetings of the consortium. Likewise, it will support the project in the development of GT3 activities, especially with regard to the realization of regional missions helping us to disseminate and increase impact and will monitor the correct execution of the project management (GTT1).
Sociedad de Desarrollo de Navarra, S.L., is the financial instrument of Government of Navarra for the development of business in the region. Its aim is to seek out business projects that bring both economic and social profitability to Navarra. SODENA is the responsible of the design and implementation of the Smart Implementation Strategy (S3), which promotes the transformation and economic development of Navarra and boost business competitiveness by adding value, fostering collaboration and business growth. Sodena will be part of the project's External Advisory Board (GTT3) composed by representatives of the associated partners. They will attend consortium meetings. Likewise, they will provide feedback on the impact of the project (activities, products and results) on the RIS3 Navarra and will support us in the development of WP3 activities: they will meet them to define the diagnosis of the state of advanced MR-Therapies in the RIS3 of Navarra and will be the link in communication with the other RIS3 management agencies in the participating regions. They will help to spread the regional mission in Navarra to strengthen ties and synergies between the agents of the sectors of 3D printing.
The Viscofan Group is the world leader in casings for meat products with distribution in more than 100 countries around the world. Casings are an essential ingredient for the food sector when producing sausages, frozen meat and other foods. It has production centers in Spain, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, United States, Mexico, Czech Republic, Serbia and Uruguay. Viscofan strongly believes that the key of a leadership position in market is linked to a leader position in research and development. VISCOFAN BIOENGINEERING division is in charge of combining the natural sciences and engineering to provide innovative collagen-based products such as new solutions for cell biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Since 2010, Viscofan has been actively collaborating with the University of Navarra and FIMA in the development and validation of a natural, biodegradable collagen patch that serves as a product for the establishment of an advanced therapy to treat patients with myocardial infarction. VISCOFAN has a strong interest in commercializing the CARDIOPATCH patch. Given its great expertise in marketing of products, their main role at CARDIOPATCH will be to provide advice on the development of WP2 activities in addition to being part of the project's External Advisory Board (GTT3). Viscofan will attend the consortium meetings.